Sign Up for Knebworth, August 22nd

Additional Comments, Guests etc.

Form submitted to the secretary.

If you can make it, look forward to seeing you. If not, hopefully next time!

LEGS 2024


We had a great Captains Day at Bedfordshire GC where we were made to feel most welcome. The course was in excellent condition with fast and true greens. The weather was great, albeit very warm. Captain Pete very generously sponsored the mid-round refreshments and we all participated eagerly! Thanks Pete, lovely gesture. After a cool drink on the balcony we had an excellent dinner of … you guessed it… pie! Just right for a baking hot afternoon! The food was in fact first class and enjoyed by all.

There were 15 golfers on the day including our guest Andy Wright, who said how much he enjoyed it. We had a few late changes with Trevor and Clive unable to stay for dinner, Mike Webb and Jeff had to withdraw and Sharpie joined us for dinner only. We all chipped in a few ££ to purchase a piece of string and a Mulligan token, which certainly proved useful for yours truly!

In terms of results,

  • Trevor Horwood was first with an incredible 45 points. He did not use his Mulligan token nor his string. He will be cut 3 shots next time out! The Trophy which was sponsored by Richard Ebbs and Andrew Stevenson will be engraved and presented to Trevor in due course.
  • Clive Haywood was second with 40 points and will be cut 2.
  • Andrew Stevenson was third with 36 points and will be cut 1.
  • Nearest the pin in two on the 3rd was won by Stephen Long.
  • No one made the 11th green in two and the prize was auctioned.
  • Nearest the pin on the 6th was won by Graham Shennan
  • Tom Inskip won the much coveted Wooden Spoon and will be increased by 1 next time. In fairness, Tom did well to be with us at all given he had a medical procedure the previous day.

In terms of AOB:

Our next fixture is at Knebworth on Thursday 22nd August with first tee time 1028. We have 11 signed up so far including 2 guests. We are trying to work out how to get the fish and chips into a pie!

Our members were encouraged to give feedback to Bedfordshire GC by emailing Helen Nellis directly as per our earlier message. Deadline is Monday 24th July. Please do not copy others into your responses.

If anyone wishes to order some LEGS merchandise, please contact Paul Jones directly. He is due back from his travels shortly and will pick it up appropriately.

The Boddington Cup will be played for at one of the next four fixtures when hopefully we have a few more golfers.

Captain Pete auctioned a St Neots GC four ball voucher which they generously donated.

Captain Pete also presented Bob Broomhall with two bottles of wine for both arranging and winning quizzes over the winter. No, not what you think! Different quizzes!

In terms of finances, Andrew stood in for Jeff and reported that we had raised £390 on the day which increased to £500, thanks to some very generous donations.

All in all a very enjoyable, fun filled and productive Captains Day.

Many thanks to you all for your generosity.



LEGS 2024

Mid Herts

We had a great day at Mid Herts golf club, one of the oldest golf courses in the country. It was in excellent condition with fast, well-tended greens, tricky bunkers and very challenging, wispy grass and gorse rough. The staff were very attentive and couldn't do enough to ensure we had an enjoyable and successful day. The weather was kind to us and remained dry until just after we finished. After an excellent steak pie dinner (Captain Pete likes his pies!!), a few items of business were run through, including;

  • A warm welcome being extended to our two guests on the day, Eric Lavansch and Mark Westwell, both of whom seemed to have a good fun time.
  • Howard Smith relayed his best wishes to all and was sorry to have missed the day, as this is his club. He hopes to join us for some golf in July/ August
  • Paul Jones was thanked for arranging the new items on clothing so cost effectively and quickly and a selection was modelled on the day by a number of good looking athletes (see below).
  • Graham confirmed fixtures to date arranged for 2025 including South Beds on 19th March, Wellingborough on 16th April, St Neots on 22nd May (still awaiting final confirmation) and Mid Herts on 19th June.

Captain Pete gave a bit of a heads up on his thoughts for Captains Day at Bedfordshire GC on 18th July. We have 12 signed up so far and any wishing to attend were encouraged to sign up on the website. Graham will do a two week beforehand reminder as usual.

Mike Webb had recently met President George who was doing well and hoped to see us at Knebworth.

Prize giving followed with the Trophy for the winner, sponsored by Ray Beckman and Bob Davy, presented by Ray to Richard Ebbs who scored a fabulous 41 points. Well done Richard. Andrew took great delight in informing him of his 3 stroke cut next time! Second place went to Clive Haywood with an excellent 39 points (cut 2) Third place was Richard Shortland on 36 points (cut 1) Astonishingly, Richard Ebbs also was nearest the pin in one on the 16th and nearest the pin in two on the 14th. One of the two wine prizes for these was auctioned. Eric Lavansch was nearest the pin in two on the 17th.

The much coveted Last LEGS Trophy was a closely run thing with Trevor Horwood the deserved winner on countback with 22 points (plus 1 next time).

Martin Lavansch performed an excellent and very funny stint as Fines Master, his standout award being to Mike Webb for being ... Mike Webb! A short while later, Mike tried to cross fine the Fines Master for not having been fined (memory going) and general chaos ensued.

Jeff confirmed that thanks to the fines, and some generous non attendee donations, we raised the princely sum of £216 towards the Captains Charity fund. Many thanks to you all.




LEGS 2024

St Neots

Having experienced significant rainfall in the preceding 36 hours and being aware that the St Neots course was closed on the day prior to our event, it was with some relief that we were advised that all was in order for our day, early that morning.

In the event, the course was in excellent condition and the weather held fair, if a little blustery, all day. We were made most welcome by all associated with the club who could not do enough to ensure we had a great experience.

We experienced some excellent, sensible scoring golf on this interesting and somewhat challenging course.

In terms of prize winners,

  • Captain Pete was overall winner on countback with 34 points and will be cut by 2 shots next time. The trophy was sponsored by Ian McLuskie and Jeff Wood.
  • Tom Inskip was second on 34 points also and will be cut by 1
  • Third place was Andrew Stevenson with 33 points and he will also be cut by 1
  • Last LEGS was awarded to Steven Long on 21 points who will be +1
  • We had two nearest the pin holes, which were not hit by anyone! Our coffers were swelled however as the prizes were auctioned.
  • Nearest the pin in 2 was won by David Steel (the only one who made the green in two!)

There were a few items of AoB including,

An update on the Away Trip on 25/25 September by Colin who advised that we had three spaces available, one of which he would offer to new member Trevor Horwood and the others on a first come, first served basis. Please get in touch with Colin, or Graham, if you wish to join us.

Confirmation of 2025 golf fixtures to date being South Beds on 19th March 2025 and Wellingborough on 16th April 2025. It was generally agreed that St Neots was an excellent venue and Graham will make early contact to secure again for next year.

Our next event is at Mid Herts on Thursday 13th June and that we currently have 8 signed up players including one guest (at time of writing, we are now up to 10 + 1). We need more!!

David Steel advised that £170 had been raised by members towards a Plaque on the Beds & County Legacy wall which covers the cost. He thanks all who contributed.

Captain Pete presented Colin Oates with two bottle of wine for setting and winning one of the winter quizzes. May sound a bit dodgy but they were different quizzes!!

Given the significant last minute email traffic regarding the final decision to go ahead with St Neots, it was discussed and agreed that an ‘Immediate Action’ WhatsApp Group would be set up and Andrew voluteered do this. It was stressed that this should be for last minute, very important messages only and that members should not ‘copy all’, unless essential, to minimise risk of message overload.

Mike Webb gave a brief update on President George and would make contact again shortly and brief members as appropriate.

Alan Horn had us in stitches as he took us apart for major crimes committed on the day, in the process relieving us of a few ££.

In overall terms, the day was deemed as a great success and, including a four ball voucher donated by St Neots and raffled on the day, the princely sum of £240 was raised towards our Captain’s Charity.

Many thanks all for your ongoing generosity.


LEGS 2024

South Beds

We were blessed with a bright, blustery, very cold but thankfully, dry day on Wednesday at South Beds, which has a year-round reputation for being playable in all weathers, and had some nice and interesting holes. The consencus was to book again going forward, this being a long standing LEGS venue. Sixteen golfers took part in groups of four, however we were quickly down one man, when Alan Horn tripped on his way to the first hole and had to retire. He was fined, of course, and we wish you a speedy recovery Alan.

There was some good golf played on the day with the greens being excellent, if very fast.

In terms of prizes,

  • David Steel was overall winner, on countback, with 37 points and will be cut by 2 for next event. The Trophy was donated by Alan Horn and Ken McCarthy. Well done David.
  • Captain Pete Schofield was runner up on 37 point (cut 1)
  • Trevor Horwood was third with 36 points (cut 1)
  • Nearest the pin on 12th was won by Jeff Wood
  • Nearest the pin in two on 7th was won by Graham Shennan
  • No one hit the dancefloor on the long, into the wind, par 3, 17th, however Bernard Henry kindly bought the auctioned wine prize
  • Jos Daalhuizen proudly won the Last LEGS Trophy with 20 points and will gain 2 strokes next time.

Graham updated the Members on a number of items including:

  • President George collapsed several times last week and spent some time in hospital. He is now at home under Doctors care and Mike Webb was asked to convey our thoughts and good wishes to him for a full and speedy recovery.
  • Steven Long is running a charity golf day at The Bedfordshire on Thursday 27th June in aid of Tibbs Dementia Foundation and invited members to enter a team if they wished. Bernard already has a team entered and David Steel agreed to put forward a team also.
  • We have secured Wellingborough for 2025, at an excellent rate, on 16th April which hopefully will get us past the worst of the winter on this excellent, if rather rain-susceptible course.
  • Graham reminded all about the next fixture at St Neots on Thursday 23rd May and would advise when the sign up sheet was on the website.
  • The contributions commited on behalf of the Beds and County legacy wall stand at £110 and it was confirmed that we would collect the monies only for this, but not fund it.

Colin Oates was Fines Master for the day and in brilliant fashion, duly castigated and reprimanded all of us for numerous misdemeanours. Tom Inskip was very honest at the end in admitting that he had not been fined, so volunteered a kind contribution. I'm sure that generosity will be remembered next time Tom!

Finally, Jeff Wood confirmed that we had raised the excellent sum of £165 on the day which contributes further to Captain Pete's charity fund.

Thank you all for your generosity.



LEGS 2024


The first LEGS golf event of the year was an excellent affair. With the soggy and muddy conditions at all golf courses, Wellingborough declared push trolleys only and no buggies for golf. This kept our numbers down to 11 golfers including guest Trevor Horwood and 12 for dinner, we welcomed Mike Stockford for dinner, lovely to see you, Mike. Trevor enjoyed his day with us and has now joined as a member. Welcome aboard Trevor!

We all arrived with the threat of more rain. We were blessed however with dry, mild and very light winds, a lovely way to kick off our golfing year at one of our favourite venues.

The day started with the usual tea/coffee and bacon rolls and then we ventured out onto the course.

We spiced up the golf by playing a 5 club challenge, which allowed our carry bags to be a bit lighter for 18 holes. This year we have also introduced 3 nearest the pin holes to increase the chances for everyone of winning a bottle of wine.

The course was soggy in places but the greens were very good indeed, being true and reasonably firm and dry. After a lovely dinner Captain Pete let everyone know that President George is well, sends his best wishes and spread the amazing news that his granddaughter Tala has been invited to play in next months Pro-Am at Sunningdale, what an achievement!

We recognised the fabulous bowls event organised by Sue Webb back in February as well as the 2 quizzes in December and January. Bottles of wine were handed out to the quiz setters in appreciation of their hard work.

The golf was reasonably tough but the scoring was robust.

  • The winner was Stephen Long with a very good 33 points, well done.
  • 2nd was Tom Inskip closely behind on 32 points, well played and;
  • 3rd was Captain Pete on 30 points, a solid start to his Captain's year perhaps.
  • Nearest the pin was Andrew Stevenson, very good indeed. Nice pic Pete!
  • Nobody was nearest the pin in 2 on the 8th so the wine was auctioned, thank you David Steel and;
  • Nearest the pin in 2 on the tricky 18th was Mike Webb, well done.
  • Richard was a deserved winner of the Last LEGS Trophy...

Our Fines Master, for the first time was Tom Inskip who was very entertaining and a good amount was raised as a result of the fun, thank you Tom. Treasurer Jeff updated us on the finances from the quizzes, the bowls and today's event.

In summary, Wellingborough raised the grand sum of £220, including generous donations from non-attendees, £200 was raised at the AGM, £150 from Henry's quiz, £22 profit from the bowls evening and £210 form the winter quizzes. In total £802 raised in the year to date. Thank you all for your generosity this is an unbelievable start for LEGS 2024 and Capt Pete's charity.

In AOB we discussed helping to purchase a plaque for the wall at Bedford & County GC. David Steel will craft a note to all about this. We also agreed where a club declares winter rules for our game we will follow what these local rules are.

We have secured the 2025 Wellingborough booking to be in their early summer season (April) at a much reduced summer rate. We will save £15 per person on their prices making it an affordable top notch course for us. Playing in April should hopefully increase the chances of better course conditions and so more people might be able to play perhaps with trolleys and buggies. Our next event sees us return to South Beds on April 17th, please sign up on the website it should be a good one.


2024 Dates

  • 20/03/2024 | Wellingborough
  • 17/04/2024 | South Beds
  • 23/05/2024 | St Neots
  • 13/06/2024 | Mid Herts
  • 18/07/2024 | Bedfordshire (Captains Day)
  • 22/08/2024 | Knebworth
  • 18/09/2024 | Kettering
  • 24/10/2024 | Bedford & County
  • 13/11/2024 | Pavenham Park (AGM)

Bowls Night

The bowls night on 23rd February at Kempston was an enjoyable evening and a lovely chance to meet up with all our partners. 25 intrepid souls came along for the fun. Captain Pete opened the evening welcoming all including the many guests courtesy of Mike and Sue Webb. Everyone tucked into the finger buffet and drinks before venturing into the rinks. We played across 4 rinks for about 2 hours. Many a stray bowl was witnessed, which was all part of the fun. Our heartfelt thanks go to Sue Webb for all the excellent organisation and also to the volunteers who steered us through it.


2023 Season Summary

  • Golfer of the Year: David Steel
  • Most Consistent Player: David Steel
  • Most Accurate Player: Colin Oates
  • Most Improved Player: David Steel



Previous Seasons


Captain | Mike Webb
Secretary | Pete Schofield
Charity | Multiple local charities
View details of winners and losers >>



Captain | David Steel
Secretary | Mike Webb
Charity | St John's Hospice, Marie Curie Cancer Care
View details of winners and losers >>



Captain | Bob Broomhall
Secretary | David Steel
Charity | Children with Cancer UK
View details of winners and losers >>



Captain | Tom Inskip
Secretary | Bob Broomhall
Charity | The Stroke Association
View details of winners and losers >>



Captain | Alan Horn
Secretary | Tom Inskip
Charity | MIND
View details of winners and losers >>



Captain | Colin Oates
Secretary | Alan Horn
Charity | Macmillan Cancer Support
View details of winners and losers >>



Captain | Andrew Stevenson
Secretary | Colin Oates
Charity | British Heart Foundation & MS Society
View details of winners and losers >>



Captain | Ian McLuskie
Secretary | Andrew Stevenson
Charity | Help for Heroes
View details of winners and losers >>



Captain | Andy Pohler
Secretary | Ian McLuskie
Charity | British Heart Foundation
View details of winners and losers >>


Legs History

The History of LEGS is not in itself particularly startling, but what has surprised those who set it up and the inaugural members is the success it has enjoyed over the years. The initial meetings were held in a variety of licensed premises in and around Luton between April and September 1986.   Nobody can remember why it was important to always drink whilst discussing such an important issue. The people involved were, in alphabetical order - George Clarke, Harry Critchley, Alan Hughes, Colin Roberts and Mike Webb. At first it was thought LEGS should stand for “Luton’s Eccentric Golf Society”. It was then decided that some clubs may not take us seriously and accept bookings.  So we became executives, which probably contravened the Trades Description Acts of that time for most of us.

George was then the area manager of the Woolwich Building Society, so he had plenty of time on his hands to get LEGS started.

Harry was the manager of Bank of Scotland Luton branch, so he had as much if not more time to kill than George.

Colin was the manager of Legal and General and was always looking for things to do to fill his day.

Alan was a hard working self employed Insurance Broker, who enjoyed doing as much of his business on the golf course as he could.

Mike was a self employed commercial surveyor looking for any excuse to do anything but act for his clients.

A list of potential members was compiled - mostly from the immediate Luton area.  Colin Roberts, offered to host the inaugural meeting at his offices on the 22nd October 1986.  Legal and General provided a superb buffet and the scene was set. At the meeting, George became secretary, Harry - treasurer, Alan - vice captain, Colin - co-ordinator and Mike - captain. A full year’s program was agreed and booked for 1987 with the first meeting held at Dunstable Downs on March 24th.

History written by founding member Mike Webb



The aim of LEGS was to provide an opportunity for people to meet, play golf at various venues throughout the year and raise money for charity. It was decided that each captain would chose the charity for that year.  This continues today. We are delighted to say that funds for various local and national causes have reached some £65,000. It is important for members and their guests to understand that we are foremost a golf society based on fellowship which raises money for charity.  We are not a fund raising group who play golf.



All four founders agreed to each provide a trophy.  George - the booby prize, Harry – the winner, Colin – the runner up, Alan – Nearest the pin, Mike – longest drive.  Unfortunately all seem to have gone missing. 


New Trophies

Captain Jeff Wood decided new trophies should be introduced during his tenure in 2014.  Members were invited in pairs to sponsor a trophy for each of the month’s that we play.  This was fully supported and now complete.




2023 Mike Webb
2022 David Steel
2021 Bob Broomhall
2020 Tom Inskip
2019 Alan Horn
2018 Colin Oates
2017 Andrew Stevenson
2016 Ian McLuskie
2015 Andy Pohler
2014 Jeff Wood
2013 Richard Ebbs
2012 Andrew Stevenson
2011 Martin Lavansch
2010 Ken McCarthy
2009 Ken McCarthy
2008 Henry Richardson
2007 Howard Smith
2006 Neil Curtis
2005 Ivor Harris
2004 Dickie Bird
2003 Mike Stockford
2002 Derek Jones
2001 Brian de la Salle
2000 Gerry van Lottum
1999 Ivor Harris
1998 David Steel
1997 Alan Horn
1996 Mark Hewitson
1995 Ray Berresford
1994 Bill Clayburn
1993 Paul Davies
1992 David Yallop
1991 Gordon Pritchard
1990 Nick Sheridan
1989 Mike Beatty
1988 Peter Ball
1987 Mike Webb